The LATEST ISSUE of the World Watch One Newsletter (August
This FAQ was compiled to attempt to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the film. If you have anything to add or find any information that is incorrect, please e-mail Sean Murphy at
FAQ Compiled by Sean Murphy ( and Chris Wike (
The Official Banzai Institute web site (Archived 1998-2016) is
The Banzai Institute Facebook Page is
The MonkeyBoyBoox Facebook page is
There is a brand new book called The
Buckaroo Banzai Collectors' Compendium: A Marketing and
Promotional Odyssey by DeWayne Todd and you can
order from Amazon
Introduction to the Buckaroo Banzai FAQ
Why did we create the Buckaroo Banzai FAQ?
What is "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension"?
(Updated August 31st, 2023 - The latest issue of World Watch One Newsletter (August 2023) is now available! In this edition of World Watch One we celebrate the amazing breadth and depth of Buckaroo Banzai's African American cast and crew. Highlights include special cover art, tributes to Rosalind Cash, Jessie Lawrence Ferguson, and Bill Henderson--the later written by none other than Billy "Pinky Carruthers" Vera himself, and interviews with Scooter Lindley actor Dr. Damon Hines and John Parker actor Carl Lumbly! See all the newsletters in Was there an official Buckaroo Banzai newsletter?
Previously: Updated the Blue Blaze Bulletin fanzine page with six more issues - 1 thru 4 as well as 6 and 7 - that are now available for download from the 1987 time period. That means we may have the complete run of the fanzine, assuming it ended with issue 7. Special thanks to Matthew "Wolf" Hood for making the issue available. If you have any additional issues, me us know.
The audio book of the Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League novel is now available at and! Added this information to Where is the sequel "Buckaroo Banzai against the World Crime League"?)
The Most Frequently Asked Questions
Blu-Ray - DVD - Laserdisc - Video
Is there a Buckaroo Banzai Blu-Ray, DVD, Laser Disc and Video?
Reviews of the Buckaroo Banzai DVD
Buckaroo Banzai DVD Special Edition Files Overview
- Buckaroo Banzai Special Edition DVD Credits
- Dr. Banzai's Apartment
- Buckaroo's Five Doctrines
- The Buckaroo Banzai Book of Little Morals
- Psychic Attack
- A Profile of Reno Nevada
- Moving Through Music with Buckaroo Banzai
- Square Watermelons
- Where (and what) are the Easter Eggs on the Special Edition DVD?
- Pinky Carruther's 47,000 Unknown Facts
- Buckaroo Banzai DVD Commentary questions to ask Rick & Mac
- Buckaroo Banzai Commentary transcript
- Buckaroo Banzai Nuon Pop Ups
- An Interview with Buckaroo Banzai
- Banzai Institute History
- Jet Car Information
- Buckaroo Banzai Character Profiles
- Hong Kong Cavaliers Discography
- Hikita's Diary
- Banzai Radio
- Buckaroo Banzai Movie Tie-ins
Alternate Versions
Is there a different film-to-video transfer of Buckaroo Banzai showing on cable?
What changes did the Sci-Fi Channel make when they aired Buckaroo Banzai?
The Sequel
Where is the sequel "Buckaroo Banzai against the World Crime League"?
Was Big Trouble In Little China originally written as sequel for Buckaroo Banzai?
What information is there about the fan written sequel script by Ernie Cline?
What information is there about the fan written sequel script by Stuffer Kolodny?
The Music
Is there an official Buckaroo Banzai soundtrack CD?
What is the latest news on an official Buckaroo Banzai soundtrack release?
Is there a bootleg Buckaroo Banzai soundtrack CD?
What is the story behind the Buckaroo Banzai Bootleg?
What is the difference between the Buckaroo Banzai film score and the bootleg soundtrack?
What information is there on the soundtrack's composer Michael Boddicker?
What information is there about the song Rocket 88?
What information is there about the song Since I Don't Have You?
The Book(s)
Is there a Buckaroo Banzai movie novelization?
What sort of timeline do we have for the events that occurred in the film and book?
What are some other Buckaroo Banzai adventures mentioned in the novelization?
What information is there about the new series of Buckaroo Banzai novels?
Is there a Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League novel?
What information is there about The Buckaroo Banzai Collectors' Compendium book?
The Scripts
What versions of the Buckaroo Banzai script are available?
What versions of the Buckaroo Banzai TV Scripts are there?
What versions of the Buckaroo Banzai Comic Book Script are there?
The Comic Books
What information is there about the comic book that appeared in the Buckaroo Banzai film?What information is there on the Marvel comic book adaption of Buckaroo Banzai (1984)?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai comic book called Return of the Screw (2006)?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai comic book called Hardest of the Hard (2010)?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai comic book called Tears of a Clone (2012)?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai story called Buckaroo Banzai: Mysterium (2012)?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai Hard Cover comic collections (2012)?
The TV Shows
Where is the TV show Heroes in Trouble?
What information is there on the Heroes in Trouble script?
Where is the TV show Buckaroo Banzai : Ancient Secrets and New Mysteries?
Buckaroo Banzai : Ancient Secrets & New Mysteries Script Review
What information is there about the Banzai Institute TV Series?
What other proposed BB TV series concepts not involving the original creators were considered?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai TV show helmed by Kevin Smith?
What information is there about Buckaroo Banzai rights dispute?
Movie and Production Information
What are the complete cast and production credits for the film?
What information is there on Director W.D. Richter?
Where (i.e. what locations) was Buckaroo Banzai shot?
What continuity errors are found in the film version of Buckaroo Banzai?
What are the Buckaroo Banzai Production Binders?
Movie Publicity
What are the contents of the Buckaroo Banzai Press Kit?
Is there a Buckaroo Banzai Electronic Press Kit?
What Buckaroo Banzai images are there on the FAQ and out on the web?
Was there an official Buckaroo Banzai newsletter?
- World Watch One Newsletter (August 1985)
- World Watch One Newsletter (December 1985)
- World Watch One Newsletter (April 1986)
- World Watch One Newsletter (November 1986)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Fall 1987)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Winter 1988-1989)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Spring 1990)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Fall 2004) - The 20th anniversary edition
- World Watch One Newsletter (April 2006)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Spring 2006)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Spring 2008)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Summer 2010)
- World Watch One Newsletter (Fall 2016)
- World Watch One Newsletter (September 2018)
- World Watch One Newsletter (March 2019)
- World Watch One Newsletter (August 2019) - The 35th anniversary edition
- World Watch One Newsletter (August 2020)
- World Watch One Newsletter (January 2021)
- World Watch One Newsletter (June 2021)
- World Watch One Newsletter (January 2022)
- World Watch One Newsletter (October 2022) - THE LATEST ISSUE!
Who was behind the official Buckaroo Banzai newsletter?
What articles have been published about Buckaroo Banzai?
Buckaroo Banzai : The Resurrection of an American Hero by Sean Murphy
Heroes in Trouble - The Story Behind the Other Attempt at Banzai TV By Scott Tate
Banzai in Limbo—The Short Form By Dan Berger
BUCKAROO BANZAI - In the Beginning by Blake Mitchell and Jim Ferguson
World Watch One: The Early Years By Dan Berger
Moving Through Matter with Buckaroo Banzai by Dr. Cary I. Sneider
W.D. "Rick" RichterW.D. Richter Interview: Catching Up and Looking Forward (Spring, 2006)
A Chat with Rick, Mac and Joe (Spring, 2008)
25 Years of Zen: An Interview with W. D. Richter (June, 2010)
Earl Mac Rauch
An Interview with Earl Mac Rauch (Fall 2004)
A Chat with Rick, Mac and Joe (Spring, 2008)
The Merchandise
What Buckaroo Banzai merchandise was/is there?
What information is there about the Buckaroo Banzai Role Playing Game?
Video Games
Was there a Buckaroo Banzai Text/Graphic Adventure Game?
Is there a hint file for the Buckaroo Banzai Text/Graphic Adventure game?
Is there a walkthrough for the Buckaroo Banzai Text/Graphic Adventure game?
How can I play the Buckaroo Banzai Text/Graphic Adventure Game today?
What information is there on the Buckaroo Banzai arcade game used in the movie?
The Fans
What is the World Watch One Mailing list?
Where can you find a Banzai Institute ID and "reserved" character names?
What fan produced Buckaroo Banzai fanzines are/were there?
The League of Lectroids for Lizardo (The newsletter was called VOLTAGE!)
Where can you find Buckaroo Banzai fan fiction?
"Stormy Weather, and Other Songs of the Banzai Institute" by Apache
A Perfect Ending by Ratbag
Are there other Buckaroo Banzai web sites?
What was the Smoviola showing of Buckaroo Banzai with Kevin Smith?
The Podcasts
What is the Five Minutes of Banzai Podcast?
What is the Deep Cuts Podcast episode about Buckaroo Banzai, with a script by Earl Mac Rauch and read by Pepe Serna (Reno) and Billy Vera (Pinky Carruthers)?
What podcasts episodes are available that dedicate an episode to Buckaroo Banzai?
What podcasts did Director W. D. "Rick" Richter and Writer Earl Mac Rauch appear on?
Pop Culture
What are some of the more popular quotes from the Buckaroo Banzai movie and book?
Where have you seen the Oscillation Overthruster?
Where have you seen or heard the quote "No matter where you go, there you are"?
What do Buckaroo Banzai and Thomas Pynchon's novel THE CRYING OF LOT 49 have in common?
What do the Japanese/Chinese symbols on Buckaroo's headband and at the end of the film stand for?
What type of machine was holding the watermelon?
Where do the coordinates for the Jet Car test actually place you on the Earth?
Buckaroo Banzai and his Team
Who is Buckaroo Banzai and what do we know about him?
Who are The Hong Kong Cavaliers and what do we know about them?
The Banzai Institute
What is the Buckaroo Banzai Institute?
Who are The Blue Blaze Irregulars and what do we know about them?
What kind of equipment does Team Banzai use?
What do we know about the Jet Car?
The Bad Guys
The Buckaroo Banzai News Group,, can be viewed through
World Watch OnLine : The UnOfficial Buckaroo
Banzai Mailing List Web Page is located at
Join the Buckaroo Banzai Mailing list! Send an e-mail to
and tell them about your first experiences with Buckaroo
Banzai! There is also a World Watch OnLine group on
Facebook and you can find it here -
World Watch Two: The OTHER UnOfficial Buckaroo
Banzai Mailing List is a mailing list
maintained by Arclight (
in a more traditional (at least for the internet) form
located here -
Once you subscribe, any messages sent go directly to all
other members and it's an all ages List, so keep that in
mind. Also, NO attachments.
This FAQ and its contents are Copyright (c) 1996 through 2023, Chris Wike and Sean Murphy. All Rights Reserved.
This document was last updated on August 31st, 2023.
Maintained by Sean Murphy []