Where can you find Buckaroo Banzai fan fiction?

There are several Buckaroo Banzai fan written fiction on the Buckaroo Banzai FAQ as well as other places on the web.

"Stormy Weather, and Other Songs of the Banzai Institute" by Apache contains 18 stories that cover the years 1973 to 1986 in Buckaroo Banzai's life.

A Perfect Ending by Ratbag (was originally published in the Samurai Errant Fanzine)


Fan Fiction on the web :

According to Jeff Morris : "I've got an old story or two on my fanfic story site, and more will be forthcoming when time permits. Visit Jeff's Wide World of Fanfic--http://members.aol.com/jeffreysmorris/series.html"

According to Fanatic BBI : "Hey all I'm working on a Banzai Fic! yay right? ok it's @ http://members.tripod.com/~BBILiason/ there's two stories towards the bottom of the page. the first one is short and the other is only part 1 of a larger story I'll do some cosmetic changes when I finish part 2 and put it on there. Please send feedback to me or to World Watch 2 or One."

The Strike Team Renegade Web site houses some Buckaroo Banzai Fan Fiction and is located at http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/gernsback/207/fiction.html.

BBI Chronicles of Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers: (A fan fiction site) http://www.geocities.com/chronicler_of_knuckles/

The Latest Issue: (Fan produced BB comics) http://www.angelfire.com/zine/TheLatestIssue/

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Fan Fiction: (A collection of BB fan fiction by Apache - the same as above) http://www.halfaft.com/indexpages/bbanzaiindex.htm

“To Each His Own”: (A BB fan fiction story by D. C. Black) http://www.idol-pursuits.tv/dc/Bb_dc.html


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Buckaro Banzai FAQ Home Page

This page was last updated on October 14th, 2018.
Maintained by Sean Murphy [figment@figmentfly.com]