What Buckaroo Banzai merchandise was/is there?
This list was collected from various e-mail messages. Some of this
stuff can still be purchased - see Where
can I find.... for more information. Otherwise, check out
Arclight's excellent page of Buckaroo Banzai Merchandise images at http://www.worldwatchonline.com/stuff.htm.
- BB rubber stamp - 1" diameter rubber ink stamp of the Banzai
Institute Logo
- BB tack - small button with fold over tab. Black with lettering
- BB Stickers - 2" diamerter Black stickers
- BB Cardboard Stand up - 6 foot cut out of BB holding briefcase to
promote the video in the store.
- BB Cardboard table stand - smaller, 1 foot versio of above.
Promotes video as a tabletop display
- Poster - Buckaroo on stage, the rock star, playing guitar and the
movie poster 27x41"
- Poster - A painting of Buckaroo Banzai in his tie with a
briefcase and staring at the camera as a spaceship (looking nothing
like the one in the film) bursts through a wall behind him.
- Patches - Yoyodyne, BB logo, BB Jet car, BB Irregs.
- Mugs - BB Irregs, Yoyodyne
- Hat - with BB logo
- Jacket - with BB logo
- Jet Car Optical Illusion
- This is a little Japanese made toy. It's circular and about 2
inches in diameter. Inside is a little Jet car on an axis that rotates
through a mountain when you hit the lever. It's Buckaroo going through
a Mountain.
- Marvel Comics - 2 issues
- Buckaroo Banzai was a Marvel Super Special, Vol 1, No. 33
(1984): art by Mark Texeira and Armando Gil; 48 art pages; 16 pages of
photos with an interview with W.D. Richter; front cover is art by
Texeira, back cover is photos (the same as in the post cards, I think)
- Post cards
- There were ten Buckaroo Banzai PostCards. The following
information tells you what picture was on the cover of the postcard as
well as the information from the backside :
- Card #1 Posed, leaning against the BB bus
Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers (Peter Weller as Buckaroo
Banzai, Lewis Smith as Perfect Tommy, Jeff Goldblum as New Jersey and
Pepe Serna as Reno Nevada) "The only reason for time is so that
everything doesn't happen at once." - Buckaroo Banzai
- Card #2 (From the film, on front) Buckaroo Banzai
BUCKAROO BANZAI! Live and in person on stage at Artie's Artery in New
Brunswick, New Jersey! Peter Weller as Buckaroo Banzai. "No matter
where you go, there you are."
- Card #3 (Posed with artificial white background)
NEW JERSEY. He stands ready for action and high adventure. Jeff
Goldblum as New Jersey.
- Card #4 (Posed, from the end credits) Perfect Tommy
PERFECT TOMMY, Real name unknown. "Knight of the Lesser Boulevards." An
enigma. A chameleon. Changes his mind as fast as he changes his hair
color. Lewis Smith as Perfect Tommy.
- Card #5 (from the Shock Tower scene) Dr. Emilio Lizardo
Deranged DR. EMILIO LIZARDO his body and soul are possessed by an evil
alien dictator from Planet 10. John Lithgow as Dr. Emilio Lizardo.
- Card #6 (Two shots from the film)
The year? 1938! DR. EMILIO LIZARDO makes his head-long charge at the
8th dimension...and fails! John Lithgow as Dr. Emilio Lizardo.
- Card #7 (Posed with artificial red background)
JOHN FISH, Vice Deputy of Luncheon Security at Yoyodyne Propulsion
- Card #8 (Posed? On front of card) ALIEN LECTROIDS (from
The dinner bell sounds, and three hungry Lectroids (John G. Jones, John
Mudhead, John Pillenwater) gather for an impromptu Twinkie barbecue and
some fond memories of Saturdays back home on Planet 10.
- Card #9 - (from when Bigboote zaps Rawhide)
Evil pure and simple! John Bigboote, a red Lectroid from Planet 10
stands poised to spit a deadly stinger. Christopher Lloyd as John
- Card #10 (6 images, posed shots?)
1 - Lectroid Protective Services Supervisor
2 - Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems Special Operator
3 - John Bigboote, Red Lectroid
4 - Black Lectroid Wing Commanders inside Father Ship
5 - Blueprint Custodian
6 - Black Lectroid Wing Commander
- Spandex jackets
- Banzai Samurai headbands
- Confidential Banzai Institute Envelope - Information provided by

"This is one of the rarest Buckaroo Banzai collectables you will ever
see. It was part of a press awareness campaign 20th Century Fox
launched to announce the August 10th premiere of Buckaroo Banzai. When
the press got this envelope, it had obviously been tampered with. The
letter in the front pouch said that it contained sensitive information
on the REAL Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers. The press were
urged to make sure the contents didn't fall into the hands of Hanoi Xan
and to destroy them when they were done.
Needless to say, the envelopes were obviously tampered with and the
contents gone when they arrived with the press. Later pouches delivered
the "Hard Facts and Persistant Rumors" and "Moving Through Matter"
banzai material along with bios of the Hong Kong Cavaliers. The press
were told that Hanoi Xan had indeed stolen the files and attempted to
interfear with the free press.
I am told VERY FEW of these survived and I ordered mine from the fan
club in 1985. I have also been told that the campaign was cancelled by
the postmaster who didn't like the implication the pre-tampered with
mail created. I have NEVER seen another one in over ten years of
searching. You probably won't see one again either. I only have one of
these and I can't begin to guess at where to find another. This is a
beautiful and rare piece. Good Luck."
- Viewmaster Reels
- 11x14 and 8x10 Lobby card sets
- A model or toy of the World Watch One Bus
- Deluxe press kit with press and production info, slides, photos,
poster, and a copy of the novel
- Bumper sticker
- Video Games
- It was made by Adventure International. I'm not sure if you
remember them, but they were around in the early 80s and where the
kings of text adventure programs for quite a while (or at least I
always thought they were). One of the last catalogs I saw from them had
a Buckaroo Banzai game listed in it and a picture (maybe two). I can't
remember exactly what system it was for, but I think it was the Atari
series (400/800/1200 etc.). There might have been a Commodore 64
version as well.
There was a Buckaroo Banzai Adventure Game cartridge for the TI-99/4(A)
and another from Scott Adams International
- Tee-shirts
This page was last updated on June 10th, 2016.
Maintained by Sean Murphy [figment@figmentfly.com]