The League of Lectroids for Lizardo (Newsletter called VOLTAGE!) (Buckaroo Banzai Fanzine)

The League of Lectroids for Lizardo (Newsletter called VOLTAGE!)

John Nevermore (aka April Anderson) - Secretary and Snott Dealer
John Howling Mouse (aka Heidi Snyder) -Communications Liaison
John Washnwear (aka Wendy Snyder) - Logistics

According to Sharkey, "Voltage" (or The Great Newsletter Itself) was a small, photocopied handful of pages sent out irregularly by the League of Lectroids for Lizardo. This was very funny stuff. Cartoons and news from the world of the Red Lectroid."

Thanks to Konrad Yarbrough for providing these PDFs.

The League of Lectroids for Lizardo/Voltage is one of those “holy grail” items for me (Sean) and it’s really nice to finally scratch that itch. I remember seeing an issue of Voltage on a table at a Sci-Fi convention in Philadelphia back in the late 1980’s. For some reason it has stuck out in my mind all these years. When I saw it at the time, I didn't even know about Buckaroo Banzai. To finally be able to read the issues now is awesome.

Pre-Newsletter errata

What follows is some pre-newsletter documents that were sent out to the League members

The League of
            Lectorids for Lizardo Announcement
The League of Lectroids for Lizardo Announcement (1986?) - One page

Pre-Voltage newsletter origin of group
Pre-Voltage_newsletter_origin_of_group (1986?) - Three pages

Fish of Pain

Fish of Pain (1986?)

The Fish of Pain is a wallet sized card that came with the original League of Lectroids for Lizardo mailing.

Konrad said: "The fish of pain card came with the original mailing. I've gone through more wallets than I can remember, and lost a few, but somehow have never lost the FoP, even though it's a constant wallet companion."

The Fish of Pain card says: This is your Fish of Pain, protecting you from pain and Anxiety! Orbiting the Earth at 800,000 feet, the Fish of Pain absorbs pain and anxiety as it crosses the universe from evil factories far far away. In it's ever changing orbit the Fish of Pain sometimes manages to eat and absorb the doom heading your way. This card acts as a magnet to bring the Fish of Pain over our head more often. Find comfort and security with the...

From the Desk of Jogn Washnwear

From the Desk of John Washnwear - Two pages

This was a letter written to Konrad Yarbrough in response to a letter he wrote to the League.

Letter from Wendy Snyder aka John Washnwear
Letter from Wendy Snyder aka John Washnwear - Two pages

Voltage! The Great Newsletter Itself!

          Issue 1 (League of Lectroids for Lizardo)

Voltage! Issue 1 - The League of Lectroids for Lizardo (1986? - three pages)


            Issue 2 (League of Lectroids for Lizardo)

Voltage! Issue 2 - The League of Lectroids for Lizardo (July, 1986 - Four pages)


Do you have copies of any issues? Are you the editor or do you know how to contact him? Drop Sean a line at

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This page was last updated on January 11th, 2020.
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