What are the differences between the four confirmed versions
[1] The American version vs. the European
- Early in the American version we see someone being tortured by
demons before an open view of the star filled Void. Darkness is
shown in blue with yellow glowing fingernails and he delivers a
different opening soliloquy. In the European version we do not
get the torture scene nor to we see more than the arm of
- When Lili enters Nell's cabin there is a shot of Nell's
sleeping husband in the European version.
- Lili is a princess in the European version, but called merely
a Lady in the American version.
- In the American version, Lili has a vision of the future when
she sees the revolving figures of the clock (death chasing a
maiden) become encased in ice for a moment--no ice in the
European version of this shot.
- The cutting of the scenes with Jack, Lily, and the stalking
goblins is arranged differently between the two version.
- Lili asks Jack to teach her rabbit in the European version,
whereas she asks him to "tell me our future" in the American
- Lightening strikes a tree just before the unicorn falls in the
American version. We also see the cutting of the alicorn in this
- In the American version we see Jack struggling through the
dark forest snow calling Lily before he succumbs. We also see an
extra shot of the goblins riding in the snow. In the European we
cut from Lili in the cottage to the shot of Jack sleeping in the
- When Gump queries Jack in the American version, Jack
immediately admits that he took Lily to see the unicorns. In the
European version, Jack first denies that he did anything and
then admits his transgression. Gump becomes bug-eyed and
threatening in the European version and makes Jack solve a
riddle before all will be forgiven. The American version does
not contain the riddle and is much shorter and simpler.
- The scene of Blix and the goblins intoxicated with the power
of the alicorn is split into two segments in the European
version separated by the scene with Jack and Oona in the cave.
In the American version, the cave scene is followed by the
goblin scene in its entirety.
- The scene with Meg is very short in the American version,
whereas in the longer sequence from the European version, Jack
uses flattery to distract her before killing her.
- When we see Lili in the dungeon for the first time, there is a
shot of Darkness that appears to be taken from the goblins fire
sequence in the European version. In the American version, the
camera explores the walls of the dungeon where we see to "eyes"
light up.
- After Lili enters Darkness's hall, the American version cuts
to a scene not in the European version of an attack on Gump and
Jack by what the script refers to as Pygmies.
- The Dress Waltz scene is shorter in the American version and
contains a flash cut to Lili suddenly wearing the dress--no
flash in the European version.
- The American version contains some added footage showing wine
filling up a cup magically and is missing a scene where Darkness
attempts to get Lili to sit on his throne (he does this twice in
the European version vs. once in the American.
- There are some added lines to the American version just before
Darkness falls into the abyss having been defeated by Jack: "You
think you have won. What is light without dark? I am a part of
you all. You can never defeat me. We are brothers eternal."
- When Darkness falls into the abyss it causes three shooting
stars to be generated in the American version.
- The scene of Jack diving into the pond for Lili's ring is
inter-cut with the unicorn's horn being restored and his
subsequent revival in the American version. These shots are
missing in the European version.
- One last shot of Darkness laughing can be seen in the American
- The American version does not contain any of the songs sung by
Lili in the European version, or the Goldsmith score. It
contains a score by Tangerine Dream whose score was also altered
(against the wishes of TD) to include a song by Jon Anderson of
Yes and an ending song by Brian Ferry.
- For more information about the differences between the
American and European versions of LEGEND, check out Fairy Dust : Reconstructing LEGEND
by Sean Murphy (This article compares the American, European,
Television and French widescreen versions of LEGEND and attempts
to reconstruct the original version of the film.) and the
article LEGEND - What's wrong with
this picture?
- Check out the American Version of
LEGEND Shot By Shot Breakdown and European Version of LEGEND Shot By
Shot Breakdown for more information.
[2] Television Version
- Same print as the American version except for three
- The opening crawl is read by an unidentified voice over
- Jack's first meeting with Gump is almost the same as in the
European version with small differences that are outlined in the
article LEGEND - What's wrong with
this picture?
- Jack's encounter with Meg Mucklebones is logner. The extra
footage of Meg and the Faeries was most likely taken from a test
print and contains the Goldsmith score.
- Check out the Television Version
of LEGEND Shot By Shot Breakdown for more detailed
[3] The Director's Cut
The Director's Cut of LEGEND is an entirely new and different
viewing experience. Additional footage and dialogue is spent
getting to know the characters and the story is given the space to
breathe and be told at its own pace. This Director's Cut does not
begin with a prologue as is found in the American Cut.
- Lili is presented as a Princess and her relationship with Jack
onfined to a kiss that Jack is afraid to return in fear of
having Lili break his heart.
- Unlike in the American Cut, Lili sings several songs during
the film, one of which she uses to first attract and then calm a
charging Unicorn.
- A different song gives Jack the clue he needs to answer Gump's
riddle and save himself from a dance of death when he first
meets the fairies.
- The focus of the Director's cut is most definitely on the need
to save the world by freeing the Unicorns and, while saving Lili
is also important, she is not the focus of the film as in the
American cut.
- Jack is portrayed as a forest child who has to learn to be a
hero and is not a perfect warrior at all.
- When he encounters the water hag named Meg Mucklesbones in the
American cut, he has no problem quickly dispatching her with a
sword. In the Director's Cut he has to use his wits to distract
her by using his shield as a mirror while he fumbles with the
sword. When he finally does succeed in killing her, his stunned
reaction, “I did it!”, make sense as he almost didn't survive.
- The biggest difference between the American Cut and the
Director's Cut that will definetly cause the most discussion
amongst LEGEND fans is the replacement of the “happy ending”
with an ending that doesn't tie up all the loose ends. The new,
bittersweet ending has Jack always promising to be there for
Lili while she asks him if it will be all right for her to visit
him again tomorrow. The tone and texture of their relationship
has changed because of the events that they have survived in the
story and now only time will tell if their relationship will
continue to flourish. The ending is hopeful and sweet and sad
all at the same time and much more in keeping with the overall
tone of the Director's Cut.
The following footage is not found in the Director's Cut of
Legend :
- Tangerine Dream score
- Opening prologue
- Seeing Darkness at the beginning
- Jack and Lili kissing at the beginning of the film
- The shot of the unicorn horn getting cut off
- Gump and Jack attacked by the wild beasts
- The footage of the horn being reattacheds
- Jack and Lili running off in the woods together
Check out What is the extra footage
in the LEGEND Director's Cut? and Director's Cut Version of LEGEND Shot By
Shot Breakdown for more information
This page was last updated on January 1st, 2005.
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