This shot-by-shot breakdown of Television Version of LEGEND contains only the two scenes different from those found in the American version of LEGEND.
I originally transcribed the American Version of LEGEND and this became the template for the other three shot-by-shot breakdowns I did. I have not gone back and corrected these documents. I present them here for really obsessive LEGEND fans like me. - Sean Murphy
The T.V. Version
Running Time - 94:40
The Prologue has a voiceover by an unidentified source.
Jack meets Gump 5 minutes, 12 seconds
Fade in to medium shot of forest as camera dollies and follows Oona to Jack lying on the ground
Oona : "Hm-Hm, Hm-Hm. Jack. Jack!"
She laughs as she makes the fire higher.
Jack : "Lili?"
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "Lili?"
Medium shot of Gump behind fire
Gump : "Jack!"
Medium shot of Jack gasping and leaping to his feet
Medium shot of fire
Medium shot of Elf standing up
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Oona and Elf ducking
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Who's there?"
Medium shot of Gump jumping into frame with a violin
Jack : "Who are you?"
Gump : "Here you be a forest child and not know the Gump?"
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Gump, is it?"
Medium shot of Gump as he stands and bows
Gump : "Honeythorn Gump, at your service."
Long shot of Jack and Oona
Jack : "I, I must be dreaming."
Long shot of Gump
Gump : "If life is a dream, better you dread the waking.
Oona : "Jack. Jack!"
Jack : "Stop it!"
Medium shot of Jack
Gump : "That's Oona. She likes you."
Jack : "Go away."
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "Does you blood run so cold Jack? You'll be a corpse before your time."
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "How'd you know my name?"
Gump : "How does a migrating swallow know the way south in winter? Or a spawning salmon find the very source of it's birth in the cold, black depth of the mysterious sea? I know everything Jack."
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Everything?"
Medium shot of tree branches covered with snow
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Then why is it like this? Why is it winter now?
Close up of Gump
Gump : "I'd be a powerful wizard indeed could I answer. Suppose you tell me Jack?"
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Me?"
Close up of Gump
Gump : "You know these woods as well as any elf. Did you not see anything odd today, any strange spirits? Did nothing untoward happen?"
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "No.
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "No? No. Nothing."
Long shot of Jack
Jack : "I did take Lili to see the Unicorn."
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "You did what!?!"
Medium shot of Elf coming up through the snow
Medium shot of several Elves
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "Silence!"
Medium shot of Elves
Medium shot of Elf back under snow
Medium shot of Gump
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Oh God Gump, she touched him."
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "Touched it! A mortal laid hands on a Unicorn!"
Close up of Jack
Gump : "Jack!
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "Squawk, squawk, never talk! (NO MORE TALK?) Do you think you can upset the order of the universe and not pay the price!?!"
Close up of Jack
Jack : "But we meant no wrong."
Extreme close up of Gump
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of fairies
Extreme Close up of Gump
Jack : "What I did is done, but I did it for Love."
Medium shot of Elves
Extreme Close up of Gump
Gump : "Silence!"
Medium shot of Gump
Close up of Jack
Gump : "Love you say?"
Extreme Close up of Gump
Gump : "Answer me-"
Close up of Jack
Gump : "this riddle-"
Extreme Close up of Gump
Gump : "and all will be forgiven."
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump
Jack : "And if I cannot?"
Gump : "Why Jack-"
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump with violin
Gump : "Then 'tis your death song I'll be playing."
Medium shot of elves
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "Then ask away-"
Medium shot of Gump walking towards the fire
Jack : "and pray God my answer pleases you."
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump as he turns and points with violin bow
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "What is a bell that does not ring, yet it's knell makes the angels sing?"
Close up of Jack
Elves : "I know the answer." Other noises
Close up of Gump
Gump : "Shhhh! Answer me this-"
Close up of Jack
Gump : "and all will be forgiven."
Medium shot of fairies
Close up of Gump
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Flowers?"
Close up of Gump
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Bluebells!"
Close up of Gump
Close up of Jack
Jack : "To hear them ring means your life is at an end."
Close up of Gump
Gump : "No!"
Long shot of Gump smashing violin
Gump : "Damnation! Codfish and cockles! Gammon and trotters! Rabbit noodles! Schweinhundt saukraut mit schlagober! Piddle puddles und ka-ka crumpets! Piss pots and thunder mugs!
Close up of Jack
Long shot of Gump kicking around on the ground
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump coming to a stop
Close up of Jack
Long shot of Gump as Jack approaches
Jack : "Gump?"
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "Gump?"
Close up of Gump
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Gump
Gump : "You've bested me Jack. Bested me, bested me."
Jack : "Well-"
Medium shot of Jack
Jack : "a riddle without an answer is like an empty cup when you're thirsty for wine."
Gump : "Well spoken! And if it's wine you want, it's wine we shall have. Brown Tom!"
Close up of Brown Tom's hat flying off and revealing the bottle
Jack meets Meg Mucklebones
Medium shot of rocks and movement in water
Medium shot of Gump et al.
Medium shot of Great Tree
Close up of Screwball
Screwball : "Ugly. I hate it."
Close up of Gump
Gump : "Good. You go first."
Medium shot of Gump, Jack and Screwball
Screwball : "Why always me?"
Gump : "Go!"
Screwball : "Fernier."
Long shot of swamp as Screwball moves over logs
Medium shot of water ripple made by something moving under the water
Close up of Screwball
Close up of Gump
Close up of Screwball
Close up of Gump moving screen left through vines
Long shot of Screwball in swamp on log
Close up of Jack
Medium shot of Screwball's feet on log
Long shot of Screwball in swamp
Medium shot of Jack and Gump
Long shot of Screwball
Screwball : "I made it!"
Long shot of Jack running
Medium shot of Screwball pulled backwards into the water
Long shot of Jack et al. running into swamp
Long shot of Jack and Gump running
Close up of Bubbles
Long shot of Jack jumping down to water
Medium shot of Jack at the water
Medium shot of Screwball coming up through water
Medium shot of Jack as Meg Mucklebones arises from water behind him
Medium shot of Jack
Medium shot of Meg
Meg : "Foul tasting fairy!"
Close up of Jack
Close up of Meg looking towards Jack
Close up of Jack
Close up of Meg
Meg : "Come to Meg."
Medium shot of Jack on ground with shield
Meg : "Juicy boy."
Close up of Jack and Meg
Close up of Meg and Jack
Meg : "Who be this tender morsel-"
Close up of Jack behind shield
Meg : "Disturbing-"
Close up of Meg
Meg : "Meg Mucklebones' rest?"
Close up of shield
Jack : "Jack."
Medium shot of Jack on ground
Jack : "They call me Jack Ma'am."
Close up of Meg
Meg : "Oh!"
Close up of Jack
Meg : "What a-"
Close up of Meg
Meg : "a fine, fat boy you are-"
Close up of Jack behind shield
Meg : "Jack."
Jack : "You don't really mean to eat me-"
Close up of Meg
Jack : "do you Ma'am?"
Meg : "Oh, indeed I do!" Laughs.
Medium shot of Jack
Close up of Meg lunging
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Yes but, that would be a shame because someone as fair and lovely-"
Close up of Meg
Jack : "as yourself, Ms. Meg, deserves-"
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Far better than scrawny me."
Close up of Meg
Jack : "Don't you think?"
Meg : "Think me-"
Close up of shield
Close up of Meg
Meg : "fair, do you Jack ?"
Close up of Jack
Jack : "All the heavenly angels must envy your beauty."
Close up of Meg as she laughs
Close up of Jack
Close up of Meg
Meg : "What a fine meal you'll make be the rest of you as sweet as your tongue." She laughs
Close up of Jack
Jack : "Wait! Look - Feast your soul with loveliness. Feast on the beauty of your reflection. You are an angel-"
Close up of Meg
Jack : "Ms. Meg. Look."
Close up of Shield
Jack : "Look."
Meg : "What a splendid-"
Close up of Meg
Meg : "idea."
Close up of Jack as Meg takes shield
Medium shot of Meg with shield
Medium shot of Jack grabbing sword handle
Close up of Meg turning
Medium shot of Jack as Meg grabs his shoulder
Close up of Meg
Meg : "Clever boy."
Medium shot of Jack as Meg laughs and let's go of his shoulder
Close up of Meg
Jack : "Your alchemy makes rusted steel shine like silver."
Medium shot of Jack as he tries to pull sword from scabbard
Meg : "Such discerning taste-"
Close up of Meg
Meg : "for one so young."
Close up of shield with Meg's reflection
Medium shot of Jack pulling sword from scabbard and dropping it in the water
Close up of Meg admiring herself
Close up of Jack
Meg : "Come, come-"
Close up of Jack's hand grabbing sword
Meg : "Jack."
Close up of Meg
Meg : "Give us a kiss-"
Close up of Jack's hand lifting sword
Close up of Meg
Meg : "before dining."
Medium shot of Jack swinging sword
Medium shot of Meg's body rearing up
Close up of Jack's face
Medium shot of Meg looking for her head
Medium shot of Jack crawling backwards
Medium shot from behind Jack as Meg sinks into the swamp
Medium shot of Jack looking surprised and holding sword
Jack : "I did it."