What are the lyrics to the song "Sing the Wee"?

Thanks to Edward Graff for deciphering the following lyrics :

Sing the Wee
Lyrics by John Bettis
Music by Jerry Goldsmith

background chant:

Ringle-rangle, ringle-rangle, etc.


Deep there above the greenery

Meddle and mischief sing the Wee

Hidden among the greenery

"We are the Free-Folk," sing the Wee


Nettles and nuisance bring the Wee

Tingle and tangle sing the Wee

Under the forest canopy

"We are the Free-Folk," sing the Wee


Tatter and scatter bring the Wee

Freckle and fumble sing the Wee

Getting you from behind a tree

"Fun is a wonder," sing the Wee


female soloist interpolated into third verse:

We are the Wee

As you can see

So wild and free

So sing the Wee

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