Version history of the LEGEND FAQ
- Version 6.0 (Web only version of the FAQ)
The entire FAQ was rearranged and updated from top to bottom to make the information easier to access. Compiled by Sean Murphy and Geoff Wright on January 1st, 2005.
- Version 5.0 (Text and Web version of the FAQ)
Compiled by Sean Murphy and Geoff Wright on May 9th, 1998. Originally
created by Tony Anderson. Html code by Sean Murphy
Added 12 new questions.
- Version 4.5 (Text and Web version of the FAQ)
Compiled by Sean Murphy and Geoff Wright in June of 1997. Originally
created by Tony Anderson. Html code by Sean Murphy
Almost every question had some information added to it or changed within it.
- Version 4.0 (Text and Web version of FAQ)
Compiled by Tony Anderson, Sean Murphy, and Geoff Wright on February 14th, 1996. Html code by Sean Murphy on March 11th, 1996.
Added a new section on where to find LEGEND videos, CD's, etc. Additional information on video versions including information about the rumored 2 hour German version. Some changes to the script differences section. The Mr. Showbiz chat with Ridley Scott that occured on February 1 was also added.
- Version 3.2 (Web version of FAQ)
Html code by Sean Murphy sometime in November (I think).
The LEGEND FAQ found a home on the web (Originally at hooked.net, then slip.net, finally figmentfly.com).
A French video version of LEGEND was added to the list even though the information is incomplete. New information about the Tangerine Dream score on CD and new information on where to find the Jerry Goldsmith CD was also added.
- Version 3.2 (Text version of FAQ)
Compiled by Tony Anderson, Sean Murphy, and Geoff Wright on July
17th, 1995.
More minor bits of information were added and sections were slightly
- Version 3.1 (Text version of FAQ)
Compiled by Tony Anderson, Sean Murphy, and Geoff Wright on June
25th, 1995.
The only real addition to the FAQ for this version was a huge
filmography of everyone involved in LEGEND
- Version 3.0 (Text version of FAQ)
Compiled by Tony Anderson, Sean Murphy, and Geoff Wright on May
15th, 1995.
The FAQ was again reformatted to make it even more like the normal FAQ structure. Information was added about where the FAQ would be posted, a list of what was new to the FAQ, all of the liner notes from the Goldsmith CD were included with Paul Andrew MacLean's blessing, a new section about "why the film doesn't seem to work in places" with examples from the scripts as well as an extensive script analysis of the missing Fairie Dance scene, more information about the original ending of the film, miscellaneous information about the fire on the LEGEND set during shooting, and where to write to try to get a director's cut of the film.
- Version 2.0 (Text version of FAQ)
Compiled by Tony Anderson, Sean Murphy, and Geoff Wright on or around April 17th, 1995.
The FAQ had been reformatted to follow the normal question and answer structure. This version contained a list of confirmed version of the film, differences between the American, European and Television versions, a reworking of the timeline into paragraph form with more information, an excellent essay called "From a Legend to a Dream" which the author Paul Andrew MacLean graciously allowed us to reprint, questions about the "Making of" documentary, and the different versions of the script and where to get them. The FAQ was 25 pages long.
- Version 1.0 (Text version of FAQ)
Compiled on December 6th, 1994 by Tony Anderson
This original version of the LEGEND FAQ did not have the typical question and answer format of normal FAQs, rather it was an essay called "The legend of LEGEND" (1990-Revised June 1994). This version contained a timeline about the production of the film, running times of various versions and where to purchase some of them, information on the soundtracks and where to purchase them, most of the liner notes from the Jerry Goldsmith LEGEND CD booklet, and the film credits. The essay was 14 pages long.
LEGEND FAQ home page
This page was last updated on January 1st, 2005.
Contact the FAQ webmaster at figment@figmentfly.com