What happened to Blix and Pox in the LEGEND script?
In every version of LEGEND available, Blix and Pox are major characters in the film and then they disappear from the story after capturing Lili and the Unicorn.
All of the scripts I can get my hands on have both Blix and Pox helping Darkness when Lili cuts the Unicorn free. Then both Blix and Pox just disappear from the script as seen below.
- Darkness and Princess Lili emerge, arm in arm, out of a background curtain of fire. They sweep majestically down the stone steps to where the unicorn is chained.
Silent as mice, Jack and the faeries peer around at them. Jack is horrified by Lili's bestial appearance.
JACK: ....oh, God....! Lili....
GUMP: Judge her with your heart, not your eyes.
Blix and Poxand the other goblin Guards scramble to attention as the regal pair ascends.
BLIX: Greetings....
POX: S-s-s-salutations....
DARKNESS: Silence....! Prepare the unicorn for sacrafice!
The goblins hurry to comply. Blix selects a grotesque black greatsword from among a rack of weapons.
Pox furiously pedals a grindstone. Blix applies the blade. Showers of sparks shower onto the glistening floor.
Behind the column, the watching faeries are desparate. Luna's glowing LIGHT hovers above their heads.
BROWN TOM: The game is lost....for all of Jack's pretty plan....
JACK: No! It'll work! It must!
GUMP: Luna! Fly up to Screwball! Tell him it's time!
Quick as a FLASH, Luna STREAKS off into the shadows.
Blix carries the sharpened greatsword to Darkness, offering it with a low bow.
DARKNESS: Excellent.... Let the ritual begin....
The demon Guards stand in a semi-circle around the unicorn. Blix and Pox open tattered black prayer books. Darkness steps to a twisted lectern and READS from a sinister volume.
DARKNESS: In the beginning, there was nothing....a void of darkness, a cold
enternity of silence....
POX: Endless night, black as death! Mother of Shadows protect us!
The assembled Guards answer in a ghastly CHORUS:
CHORUS OF GUARDS: Mother of Shadows, renew us!
POX: Dream Sister....eclipse our pain!
CHORUS OF GUARDS: Night Bride....restore our strength!
And then a little further on in the script :
- DARKNESS: I pray you, Father, accept my sacrafice....Let Light be orever extinguished! Let the Age of Darkness begin!
Darkness contorts with the strain on imposing his will on the unicorn. He dominates the mare and she grows calm.
As the Demon Guards CHANT, Blix and Pox strain at the winch. They drag the unicorns towards the chopping block.
And that's the last time we see Blix and Pox.
The following information on their fates was provided by LEGEND's scriptwriter William Hjortsberg:
"As for Blix and Pox, they weren't even in the script until sometime around draft seven or so (can't be sure as most of this material is now in storage.) However, in my copy of the shooting script, I find them cowering behind a fallen column after the sunlight blasts Darkness.
Pox asks if they should help.
Blix says (in effect) "Don't be a fool. We'll stay here where we are safe."
That's the last we see of them. Don't know if this business was ever filmed. If so, it must have been cut like so much else.
In researching this for you, I came across a final scene between Jack and Darkness at the edge of the world. Darkness runs Jack through with the alicorn but he doesn't bleed or die, revealing him as an immortal, something he was unaware of up until this moment of enlightenment. This too was lost, alas."
This page was last updated on May 28th, 2008.
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