Is a sequel to LEGEND something fans of the film would like to see?
This is a question that I myself had not thought about to much but a
Legend fan named Sara Rose (SRose83@aol.com)
asked me and I decided that we should ask the fans to see what they think.
If there was a sequel, what would you want to see happen? Which characters
would you want to see return? Which actors would you like to see return?
Here are Sara Rose's (SRose83@aol.com)
thoughts on the question:
- "Well, first of all I would like to see all the characters return.
As for the actors and actresses....they probably wouldn't be the same,
but it would be so cool to see Tim Curry return as Darkness (That's if
Darkness wasn't killed at the end of the movie, we don't know for sure)
Tom Cruise as Jack and Mia Sara as Lili just 1 more time. All the Faeries
too of course, like Oona, Brown Tom, Screwball, Blunder and last but not
least Honeythorn Gump. And we definitely can't forget the unicorns. Can
you imagine how real they can make them look now?
I think there should be new characters also, like Lili has another sister
or something, I don't know, anything that might surprise us. To see a sequel
to Legend is a dream of mine, but I have doubts. It would take a lot of
us to persuade the people to make a sequel. Maybe we can try requesting
a restored version of Legend that might be more possible than a sequel
who knows...."
- Here are Lee Rollins' (lrollins@socket.net)
thoughts on the question :
"Hi, I have just a few thoughts on a sequel to Legend. First of all I would much rather have the flaws from the first one ironed out before someone attempts to make a sequel. The original film was a brilliant concept that was undermined by shoddy editing. I'd like to see Ridley Scott do a recut of the film exactly as he wanted it, adding in all of the footage that was origionally cut from the film. As far a sequel goes it might be a good idea if there wasn't one. The original story was that of a fairy tale. Everyone knows how it ended; they all live happily ever after. I don't see what could possibly be done in a sequel except to rehash what has already been done. The only positive thing that could come from a sequel would be learning some more about the character's histories and pasts. However I dont believe that is enough to carry a whole movie. I suppose the best thing would be to fix the original and leave it at that. After all they do live happily ever after.
ps. if there were a sequel i'd sure be one of the first in line to see it though."
- Here are John Pace's (HopRom17@aol.com)
thoughts on the question :
"I was thinking about writing a sequel to Legend in my spare time.
It would revolve more around the goblins though. Blix would be the center
of attention as his power becomes supreme throughout the land (next to
the unicorns). I would definitly want a Goldsmith score and as far as the
unicorns being better looking now due to computers, I feel that they looked
fine back then. So much of this computer stuff looks too fake anyway. (Re:
Aliens vs. Alien Resurrection) Jack and Lily would be married. Those are
just some thoughts. "
- Here are (Tut80@aol.com) thoughts
on the question :
"I thought the music for the first film was ok but not great... The
cuts made to the original film would have made it much more epic if left
Scenes cut include deeper backgrounds to all characters, and a more vivid
image of what Darkness would achieve if the unicorns were killed. computer
animation would change the dream like setting that they shot originally.
An example of this would be in Robin Williams film "What dreams may
come" though surprising at first, the film contains nothing tangible.
I mean those looked like real unicorns because those were real horses.
They can make them look even better today but only if they have a big budget
and do this film like the original.
Legend was all built from scratch and it would be hard to accept a film
built on a computer with blue screens. Besides that Legend was a youthful
film and it wouldnt do a sequel justice to bring about two aged actors
(as well aged as they may be) to reprise their roles. If there is to be
a sequel to legend it has to be with fresh actors and a completely new
story. it should be built from the ground up and near as possible to void
of computer animation substitution of good sets and props. As for actors.
All the characters should be different and so should the actors. And there
really should be a sequel...if free willy can do it...then a great film
like legend should too."
- Here are Chris Deal's (Nudeal@aol.com)
thoughts on the question :
"my sequel thoughts...-----if it were to happen, same screen writer,
same makeup ,(bottin) tim curry and the tree of death. a small amount of
darkness background info, maybe darkness' rise to infinite power, a day
in the life of darkness before he was impotent. dont show his father. show
the goblins being born, raised, whatever, totally focus on the dark side
of the movie, jack lily and the light side(except gump) are slightly shallow
without the full script or screentime. thats all."
- Here are (IrisXShaw@aol.com)
thoughts on the question :
"As an immense fan of the film "Legend," despite its obvious
flaws due to American film-making ignorance (certainly not Ridley Scott
nor Goldsmith included in that pointed criticism, of course), a sequel
is not something that I feel, personally, should be brought about. I too,
would like to see the film as it was originally supposed to be done. With
so many science fiction and fantasy fans coming out of the woodworks nowadays,
what studio would possibly turn down the idea of generating more money
from a film that has an obvious cult following? I'm sure there are a few,
but this film is a definite gem, and the loss of scenes, music, and magic
are a tragedy to wonderful storytelling.
"Star Wars" is quoted by George Lucas to be a "...fairytale
for a generation that had none..." (I'm certainly a big fan of that
Trilogy, as well), but Legend has special, personal meaning to me as an
individual like no other movie ever has, and stands as a fairytale on its
own, for those who have seen it and loved it. We know there's more than
one out there. Re-made, perhaps, if one was willing enough to take on the
task. A sequel? No. What would come of it but more jests and criticism?
I can see, maybe, a plotline involving the child that came of Jack and
Lili's union, and maybe something along the lines of revenge on Darkness'
part, maybe the loss of faery lore due to the increased human population
and increased ignorance of all things magical--the forgetting of magic
in the world, Darkness' apparent victory over the unicorns once again and
then a swift and utter defeat-redundant-but this time, for good. I think
Legend said all it could on its own. It had influences, imagery, symbolism
put together in such a way that can't ever be done again. One can try,
but the true fans of Legend will always remember the original as being
infinitely superior, no matter its cracked foundation."
- Here are Lita's (gonzo111@juno.com)
thoughts on the question :
"I was surprised to hear this appear for discussion because we don't
even have a Director's Cut yet!!!!! Although the movie is truly beautiful
and has a really cool idea, I do not think that a sequelor prequel should
be an option. The original needs work. I can't imagine trying to build
a sequel on a film that needs repair.
And if it was repaired...I'd say there would be more potential for a second
film. But actually, if a Director's cut was made with the original idea
in mind...I do not think that the extension of the two lovers and the whole
good-evil thing would work affectively. Even if Lord Darkness was Jack's
father and Princess Lili was Jack's sister the sequel would not carry a
really great idea. The film was originally made to begin and end classically.
Let our own imaginations pour forth what happens next. In many ways, I
was disappointed when Luke Skywalker took off Darth Vader's helmet in Return
of the Jedi...because the mystery was gone and the imagination didn't have
use anymore. I don't want that to happen to LEGEND! First and foremost...It
needs to be restored!!!! But it is pretty neat someone thought of a sequel
in the first place."
- Here are Crazy Goblin's (crazy_goblin@hotbot.com)
thoughts on the question :
"My thoughts about the sequel of Legend is that I think it's a really
neat idea! I wouldn't mind seeing all those cute lil' goblins again and
in action because I miss them. And I wouldn't mind getting to see Tic (he
got cut out didn't he?). Even if the old version is re-done I'll still
see it. I bet either way it goes, old version is re-done or there's a sequel
I bet it'll be great!"
- Here are Kara Ann Vortex's (isenblet@earthlink.net)
thoughts on the question :
"Most sequels turn out very badly due to poorly done special effects,
overcheesiness, ect. On the one hand, I'd like to know how they made those
real horses look like real unicorns and keep that particular effect if
it doesn't/didn't hurt the horses. But if the sequel turned out better
with special effects I'd probably like a sequel. But I don't know how/why
they'd do a sequel.
As far as we can tell from the movie, Darkness is banished/dead/whatever,
his minions defeated/driven back, and everyone else lived happily ever
after, right? So what would the point be of making a sequel? I myself saw
no problems with the first movie. I think it was an extremely well done
movie. I don't know what the "original" script was like...So
I don't see what the fuss is all about with the story not being well done
or whatever. If they added to the story or made a new one, I wouldn't mind
a sequel, but otherwise I probably wouldn't like it. I'd still see it on
tape of course if they ever get around to making one but I still think
I wouldn't like it as much as the first one unless they kept there neat
effects, used computer graphics sparingly or well, and either used a new
storyline or updated/improved upon the "old" one. Oh yeah and
hope they use good actors and actresses too. Heh. Well that's all I can
think of to say."
- Here are Loren Labrador's (lorenl@gte.net)
thoughts on the question :
"Legend was a truly enchanting movie, filled with beauty and wonder. I think a sequel would be a wonderful idea. Even if the movie was simply remade and shown in theaters for another chance I would go to experience the magical story all over again. And maybe in the remake, the mistakes could be straightened out, but if they weren't, the movie could never be any less beautiful! About a possible sequel, if another Legend movie were created, I would like to see all of the main characters return. Tom Cruise and Mia Sara should definitely return as Jack and Lily. I feel that sequels that do not star the original actors seem inadequet and tend to let the audience down. Tom Cruise and Mia Sara were part of the magic that filled the movie and no other actor or actress could portray the roles in the graceful way as they did. Overall, Legend will always be a favorite of mine and I will keep hoping for the day I will get the opportunity to experince the second of the movie which, to me, defined the word magic."
- Here are Michael Flynn' (michael.flynn@wilcom.com)
thoughts on the question :
"I do not think that a sequel is a good idea. I like the thought of
seeing a Directors Cut. Perhaps even a re-release in theaters with the
original score (I would however miss Jon Anderson's song). I think that
a prequel would be much better. We could see just how Darkness came into
power. We could see foreshadowing of things to come when we watch Jack
& Lily as children. I envision Jack's birth as being a great event
in the forest. All of the Elves & Gnomes would most likely understand
just who he was and how vital he would one day be. I've read that Scott
hinted that he was immortal. Perfect. We could see hordes of demons &
goblins trying to kill Jack's mother (who knows maybe it would be a great
tree that they try to chop down!) and all of our friends from the first
movie defending the unborn child. As an ironic twist, Lily's father could
be one of Darkness' evil lords who attempts to help kill the young Jack."
- Here are Jason Jones (nighthawk@nighttrack.com)
thoughts on the question :
"While I cannot imagine a fully justified reason story-line wise for
bringing a sequel of Legend about, I can very well relate to the desire
to have it's rich and fertile universe expanded.
As William Hjortsberg wrote this screenplay I imagine it drew heavily from
Russian literature as it's base for the settings and underlying theme,
to expand on this I think one would have to discard the characters most
of us came to appreciate in the movie... from Jack and Lili to the Dwarves
and even perhaps the Goblins. For a sequel to have a strong plot I think
that it would have to focus almost solely around Darkness, but even more
importantly the Dark race of creatures that Darkness refers in reverent
prayer to in the first film.
So what I think is that a sequel would have to be both less provincial
( ie breaking out of a forest setting and into a global or trans-dimensional
setting) and involving a battle between the vastly powerfull demonic forces
of "Mother Night" and a small and undercharged band or group
of unlikely heroes. But the storyline could do good in totally different
directions, the main thing is that I don't think that a sequel to Legend
could succeed following the same plot/theme of the first one. Unfortunately,
people do not seem to like fantasy these days, and so sadly it would seem
likely that a sequel would be improbable to come about."
- Here are Thumper's (Mortalance@ticnet.com)
thoughts on the question :
"I have read the comments others have written and agree with most of them that: 1. We would like to see the original 140 scored minutes of film presented to us before a sequel should be made and 2. that if one were to ever be made, we would probably rush with excitement to the movie and await the video release with lower hopes. I would like to add, that Ridley Scott is one of the worlds master film makers and that if a sequel were to be done, it should be his and his alone. But, of course, that means getting him to want to make a sequel first, which may or may not be easy depending on his present feelings about LEGEND. I may think too highly of Scotts abilities, but I also think he now has the power to better control what would become of a sequel in the hands of critics who would see it cut like the original. And that, basically, he knows the fans wouldn't have it and I don't think he would again either. For a sequel to be successful it must recapture the appeal of the original. LEGEND is, however, a film where that appeal means so many different things do to its many versions......which version would the sequel belong to? And, I am one who believes sequels don't work unless the original thespians are cast. I won't speculate as to what it might take to get Cruise to play Jack once more, but to say, It's more than they probably would want to spend on the sequel itself."
- Here are Ev's (ev.sekkides@virgin.net)
thoughts on the question :
"Oh, where to begin...I finally found the original tangerine dream
score today on CD.
I already have the Goldsmith score, and although it excellent, the Tangerine
Dream score has sentimental value to me. The american version of Legend
was the first film I ever saw on video......my cousin left me in the basement
of my aunt's theatre with a tv, vcr and that film. I watched it over and
over at least 8 times..!
That was before it even came out (pirate)... When I hear the Brian Ferry
song, I just feel like a child again... I know all the background to the
film, different soundtracks, edits...etc..
It has always bothered me that Ridley Scott seems to be the Greatest Director
that never was... all the films he makes, he seems to butcher to conform
to audience tastes. I don't think he should stunt his talent this way...
I have been reading your section about a sequel. As I though, many of your
contributors seem to agree that a sequel is not necessary until the original
is sorted out.
What Legend needs....is a complete remake. most of the original actors
could be used, especially Tim Curry as Darkness and Robert Picardo as Meg.
To be honest, the only two parts that would need filling are those of Jack
and Lili. I think someone should do some major screening and find two talented
unknowns for the parts.
Also, filming on location in a real forest would be brilliant, but in no
way should this make the film epic. I would like to see remake without
too many "american" production ideas. The original, quarms aside,
was so wonderfully claustrophobic. This gave it a unique atmosphere, especially
i must say, with the Tangerine Dream score (there's something about it
that maintains a certain cultish feel to it, rather than the full orchestral
Goldsmith score). Perhaps with a few refinements to the score.
My idea would be to have the structure be a mixture of both versions...the
beginning starting with Darkness' "Mother Knight" speech. And
including Gump's cut violin scene (how the hell did Jack go from dry to
sweating in a split second?!).
Also, Darkness' final speech in the US version about no light without dark.....makes
so much sense, I don't understand why it wasn't in the european version...
I know that I am biased toward the TG score since it takes me back so many
years, but just imagine it...It could be real work of art...
So now, to a possible sequel. It would probably spoil the cultishness of
the original but if there was going to be one, it could be after Jack becomes
King, and of course Queen Lili.
The plot could revolve around the ressurection of Darkness' mortal form
by some group of goblins who don't know what they're messing with. He could
probably go on to kidnap Jack and Lily's child, a young baby boy, of course.
Jack could then return to the forest and remember his childhood as a 'boy
of the forest' or some such thing.
In true faerytale fashion, Gump joins Jack in seeking out Darkness' new
palace and starts cutting down his troop as he seeks to confront Darkness.
Meanwhile, Lily's heart is shattered by her lost child and she is somehow
convinced by Darkness' father (u know who) to join his son, this time for
good, if he returns the child safely home.
Of course, being totally evil, there is no intention to return the child
and all hell breaks loose when Jack finds out his Queen is having an affair
with his arch enemy.
Blah, blah, blah......somehow good triumphs again.....but not before several
twists in the tale. I'll tell you those when I think of them...
The film would have to be shot in a similar 'dreamy' style as was the original.
The photography would have to be really classic. My interest in photography
would wish every frame in the film to be a work of art. Lighting would
be very important too, and of course, editing. These are the most powerful
special effects that any director could wish for. No need for complex graphics.
If only some people would figure out how to use them properly.
That's it really...I'm sure there are more ideas in my head, but i can't
think of any more right now."
- Here are Daren Horley's (daren.horley@framestore.co.uk)
thoughts on the question :
I really doubt that Legend will ever get a sequel. Movies are a product
& in order for a studio to make another in a product line the first
has to sell well. As superb as Legend was it did'nt sell well.If the studios
are looking for a popular movie to make a sequel then I suspect films like
blade runner or ET would be higher priority, they have a much larger fan
base than Legend. The fantasy genre is'nt mainstream enough. It has been
science fiction & horror since the 1950's, but with Peter Jackson making
a Lord of the Rings trilogy maybe public opinion will change. I'm all for
digital technoligy, computer set extensions can now enable movie makers
to produce epic scenes that have been far too costly in recent years. Lord
of the rings is using this technoligy to create huge battle scenes, If
Ridley Scott's next movie Gladiator is utilising computer effects, it could
well be full of images not seen since films such as Ben Hur. George Lucas
is paving the (digital) way, for some great things. A legend sequel would
be better for the use of computers. Digital effects get a bad press because
often films use it badly, but the computer is just a tool, it's the artist
using it that matters. Many films are heavily laced with computer effects
but you don't notice them, that's when they are a really powerful tool
for expanding potential creativity.
As for a directors cut, well a fuew years ago I saw a documentary about
Ridley Scott which I watched eagerly hoping for some Legend coverage, but
the film was completely ignored. All his other work was coverd, even early
work. it looked as if he had disowned Legend.Whether he has changed his
views on Legend since then I don't know.
- Here are THECOWSHED's (THECOWSHED@tinyonline.co.uk)
thoughts on the question :
In regards to a sequel to Legend ( My favourite Film ever, no joke ) I
don't know about a sequel, but I definitely think they should remake it,
with all, or as many of the original actors as possible, Especially all
the Faeries Brown Tom, Screwball etc ) and most definitely Tim Curry as
the Darkness, as the film couldn't be quite the same without him. Also,
Blix would be an absolute must, played once again by Alice Playten, as
He was the best Character in the film in my opinion. I Wish more people
would realise what a great film Legend was, despite all the cuts and alterations,
and could finally get the admoration it deserves.
- Here are Anne Meyer's (zuckermaus64@hotmail.com)
thoughts on the question :
Sure! I honestly don't see why not. There's enough to work with in the
movie as it is now, and hopefully there'll be even more if we ever get
the director's cut. However, I don't think it should focus on Jack and
Lili. First of all, too much time has passed for the same actors to take
on a main role in the sequel. At least, that's what I think. I personally
like the idea of a story centering on Jack and Lili's child (Not as an
infant or even a pre-teen, but as a teenager). I can definitely see Tom
Cruise and Mia Sara still playing Jack and Lili, but in secondary parental
roles. I would also like to see Gump and his little crew coming back, as
well as the goblins. Darkness coming back? No. Perhaps a new dark villain
(or villainess) who has taken over since Darkness's end and is trying to
resurrect him. I don't think Blix has it in him to become the main, seemingly
all-powerful villain. I'd say add a new main cast centering around Jack
and Lili's son and three or four completely new characters to help him
stop the resurrection of Darkness. Preferably use actors and actresses
who are talented but haven't made a name for themselves yet. Also, here's
a thought: perhaps the sequel should not be made into a movie right off
the bat, but released as a novel, and depending on public reaction, <then>
think about a movie.
- Here are The Great Dane's (smoothdane@hotmail.com)
thoughts on the question :
Okay, I am a very big fan of fantasy, medieval type movies(such as Legend,
Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Red Sonya) and so Legend has
been one of my favorite movies ever since I first watched it. I thought
that the story was really captivating, although it could have been a lot
longer, and the ending could have been a little better. And I would love
it if there was a sequel made for this movie. I dont really know what the
story would be, but a lot of characters would have to return. First and
foremost, GUMP would definately have to return and must be played by David
Bennent. He is my favorite character on Lengend. Aside from Gump, all of
the others should return like Jack, Brown Tom, Screwball, and most of the
- Here are Mephisto's (mephisto666@freemail.com.au)
thoughts on the question :
I do not think there will ever be a Legend sequel. However, were the miracle
to occur, this is what I think should happen (my e-mail address should
give something away...)
Darkness was not destroyed, because he is immortal. He suffered a temporary
It is a few years later, and Lili has grown tired of Jack. He likes to
spend more time away with the fairies than with her. He is also a bit dull.
It's posssible to be too nice, you know? As for the marital department,
those tights can be bit constrictive, eh Jack?
Darkness meanwhile, is still in love with Lili, and wishes to get her back.
He gets 'Love Connection' type suggestions from his father, which he ignores
(and wisely).
He begins to aproach her through dreams, offering her his love etc. She
is tempted, but hesistates. He then puts his hoof down and kidnaps her.
While Jack braves the swamps once more to rescue her, the ever horny Darkness
at last seduces Lili over to evil. Turns out she WAS evil all along. The
whole 'Jack' thing was just a big misunderstanding...
Jack finally arrives only to be humiliatingly defeated by Darkness. Darkness
then uses the latest technology, such as the 'bow and arrow' in order to
take over the world by killing the unicorns. He and Lili rule a Kingdom
of Night happily ever after....
The End
No I'm serious! I want more Darkness and I want him to win!
- Here are Chris Meadows's (robotech@eyrie.org)
thoughts on the question :
Frankly, I do not think a sequel to Legend would be a good idea even if
the movie had done well. Let's face it...as made (well, before they cut
it at least) Legend was as close to a perfect fantasy movie as you'll see--a
story with an inner beauty and full-circle completeness on a par with,
say, Neverending Story. It had a clear beginning, plot, and ending, with
good triumphing over evil in such a solidly resounding way as to leave
no question of what happened next. If it had been written down in text
form, it could only have ended with that staple sentence of fairy tale
endings: "And they lived happily ever after." By definition,
that precludes a sequel, because a sequel would imply that there was subsequent
unhappiness in their lives. Besides, nearly fifteen years later, Tom Cruise
and Mia Sara would both be way too old to be attractive to unicorns anymore.
I think that people as quoted in the FAQ want a sequel mainly because they
enjoyed the original so much and want more--something else they can enjoy
just as much. I can sympathize with that, I really can. Myself, I want
more of the original, and can't wait for that director's cut DVD to come
out. :) The problem is that sequels rarely live up to the spirit of the
original--Hollywood is famous for going once (or twice, or a half dozen
times) too often to the well, for beating a dead horse (or in this case,
unicorn) well into the dust. To carry on the comparison to other fantasy
film, considering what happened with the sequels to Neverending Story--where
the director of NES3 openly avowed that he was trying to make it resemble
Home Alone--should prove instructive and cautionary. I think we should
be happy with what we have, and glad that we at least have that. A sequel
to Legend--let alone a _good_ sequel to Legend--can only be a pipe dream.
- Here are Micheal's (radioguyreturns@hotmail.com) thoughts on the question :
Yes, undoubtedly and absolutely, there should be a sequel. However, I'm surprised so many are thinking in terms of just seeing effects and prothestics, when I'd like to know the future of the universe Scott and his team created.
As we all know, to get Ridley to do a sequel is about as easy as getting Johnny Depp to do a 21 Jump Street reunion. Once you move on, it takes a lot to look back. If somehow that were to happen and he were to direct it, it would have to be one hell of a pitch, as I don't think he'd commission a script on his own. He'd have to be convinced. I'd also sincerly doubt it would be titled as a sequel if he did it, but perhaps something like "Lore", so as to distance it from obvious sequel status. I'd sooner expect a new director, with Scott in some production role alongside whoever currently holds the rights. (Milchan? Universal? Fox?) I also think we all know that getting Tom back to reprise Jack is equally difficult, if not totally impossible.
The main point of a sequel would be to answer the obvious question which Ridley purposefully left ambigious.....did Lilli marry Jack, or will we see that she married some other prince later on?
Excellent storylines exist in either direction. If she did, they could concentrate on a tale involving their children. That would work beautifully if Cruise is unobtainable, as Jack would likely be King and far too busy to play a part in their adventure. If she didn't marry him, then a bittersweet tone is added to the film, a bit like the end of Edward Scissorhands. That would also fit well with the hinted immortality of Jack, as their love could possibly never be truly realised. Ironically, I'd probably want to know what happened to him more if they didn't marry, so explaining his absence (assuming the worst response from Cruise again) would be more difficult. (I reeeeeealy doubt they'd recast Jack, by the way)
Whatever the tale, I'd hope for a return of Lilli, and I expect Mia Sara would be on board to reprise her. Her character had more depth than any other in the film, although Curry's screen presence seemed to dominate. Another prerequisite would be David Bennet, as NEVER had I seen an elf characterisation so belivable, and I'm including all three Lord Of The Rings films. ;-) Tim Curry should also return, even if just in the disembodied form his character's father had.
Now for instance, with the elements I've discussed so far, I could easily imagine a plotline in which Jack and Lili are frozen under some spell to prevent them from interfering with Darkness' return, or in retrobution by some progeny of his, and their Son/Daughter/Children must help them with the aid of Gump and friends.
There is also the dark idea of either returning at a future point when Lili and Jack have been killed, or passed on (easier on the casting director), and their child(ren) are fully grown. In fact, their kingdom could've been destroyed, with their offspring to grow up in the forest like Jack did, not knowing who was responsible, yet finding out, and possibly avenging them. This would allow past-tense dialogue to answer the questions of the first film, while allowing a clean slate of sorts. (Might be preferrable for Scott)
This would also be a good solution for those asking "Why a sequel at all?", as it would almost be an entirely new film, with new elements and characters, while remaining in the same "universe".
One really daring idea is to put a C.S. Lewis twist on things, by creating a storyline in which their world is defined a bit more. Specifically, as some other dimension/universe. No, I'm not delving into sci-fi here, those who've read the Narnia books know what I mean. Magic can backup a story in which some crossover with the "real" world occurs. However, I think this would be too much definition for Scott's taste, and might smack a bit of 'The Neverending Story' as well. Still, I could imagine a credible story involving that...
To those who are thinking of a remake instead, there simply hasn't been enough timed passed for studio execs to forget the box office return of the original. That's a sad way to put it, but it would be true. I could possibbly imagine a remake in 10-20 years time, but I doubt you could top the original in terms of cinematography or set design alone. I'd prefer a sequel in the meantime either way. (No prequel please)
Specific replies:
Jason Jones: I agree the universe should be expanded, but I think we should be looking forward to the future with familiar characters a bit older and wiser, and new younger ones. Darkness need not be a pivotal character to make a good script.
Michael Flynn Incidentally, I fist saw Legend, like many others, with the TG score, and thought "eh?", but Jon Anderson hitting the high notes during the final scene somehow accentuates it over JG's score at that point for me too. ;-)
Thumper: Hey, I'd scour my basement if I thought the 140min workprint were down there, but that shouldn't stop a sequel from happening!
Chris Meadows: The fact that Ridley didn't choose to have the pair run off into the sunset in his preferred cut, shows that questions are quite glaringly and intentionally, left unanswered. ;-)
Overall, I think a sequel would produce a profit, and thus be worthwhile for the suits, but a good script is what's necessary, not to mention a decent director. For Ridley to return he'd need major incentives to take time from away from a new production, and probably too many for the suits to offer. For him to make that leap it would have to be one hell of a script. Whoever does it, I think what is key most of all, is the cinematography and set design. It must look and feel right before one sentence of dialogue is spoken.
I just hope it happens....
Drop me a line at figment@figmentfly.com
and I'll add some comments to this page.
This page was last updated on April 30th, 2005.
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