What information is there about the three volumes of storyboards done for LEGEND?
Most of LEGEND was storyboarded during preproduction and totaled three volumes worth of material according to Production Designer Assheton Gorton. The storyboards are 411 pages long.
The film was storyboarded by two people : Sherman Labby, who started the project, and Martin Asbury, who finished the project.
Some of the scenes that were storyboarded include :
- The opening scene with the goblins chasing the shafts of
light (the Unicorns) and find the unicorn hair (as found in the
- The goblins blowing the Great Horn
- Lili touching the Unicorn
- Jack's first encounter with the fairies and the dance he
is forced to dance
- Jack fighting Meg Mucklebones
- An ending where the Unicorn kills Darkness by driving it's
horn through his heart
The Ultimate Edition DVD of LEGEND contains the storyboards for the following scenes :
- Lily and the Unicorns
- Jack's Challenge
- Downfall of Darkness
This page was last updated on January 1st, 2005.
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