What are Blix, Pox, Blunder, and Tic saying in the original "Four Goblins" alternate opening footage found on the DVD?

"This is the third and possibly the final update of my transcript of the Four Goblins original opening from the Legend DVD. I was able to use the shooting script from the DVD-ROM (as I recently got a computer capable of playing DVDs) to figure out most of the dialogue I was unable to before."

Thanks to Kooshmeister for the transcript and images.

Tic and Blunder look a lot alike as far as their helmet armor is concerned although Tic has a ball hanging from his right horn and Blunder does not.


Deer, rabbits, birds, and other woodland denizens prick their ears up as they watch something making bright flashes of white light in the distance. Blunder walks along a stream bed, trudging through the shallow water. Occasionally he stops and looks around.

As he continues as hand suddenly shoots out and grabs him, pulling him into the bushes. It is Blix. He holds Blunder by the horns of his helmet.


Blunder, forgive this intrusion. But we goblins are a free-spirited lot.

He shakes Blunder a bit. Blunder wrenches free and turns, bumping into Pox. He then turns back to Blix, who once more seizes him in a semi-threatening gesture.


Now, in the beginning, there was Darkness...

Blix is walking along when he suddenly hears a birdcall. He turns and sees Tic standing on a ridge not too far away, holding a lit lantern and gesturing excitedly. Blix returns the birdcall. This alerts Blunder and Pox, the latter having stopped to get a drink from the stream.

The four goblins creep silently through the underbrush towards where the bright flashes of light are eminating. Pox gets down and crawls on his hands and knees, then says something to Blix (it sounds like "Blix, help me!" but that doesn't make much sense, does it?). Blunder pauses to pick up a decently-sized mushroom.

Blix reaches the crest of a hill topped with more oversized mushrooms, and is joined by Pox on his left, and Tic on his right. Blunder suddenly pops up from the bushes a few feet ahead of them, startling some birds. Pox tosses something at him.



Blunder quickly scurries back into hiding. Blix signals for Pox and Tic to fan out, and the goblins continue to move separately through the bushes.

They gradually near the source of the flashes of light, but Pox, crawling along on his hands and knees again and muttering to himself, stops and gawks at something. It says the scene is missing, but according to the March 10th script he comes face to face with an ordinary pig. In any case, he lets out a startled scream.

POX: (screams)


BLIX: (yelling angrily)

Pox! Blunder!

Their cover blown, the goblins charge forth down the hill with Blix in the lead. The light beams are gone. Blix stops to briefly inspect a long, shining silver hair caught in the branches of a bush before running off after the retreating light. Coming upon the hair, Blunder grabs it and a fight immediately breaks out amongst the goblins over possession of it. They roll around on the ground, punching and kicking and bashing each other with their weapons.

Blix meanwhile stands on a ridge watching the light beams retreat beyond view. He turns and sees the other three fighting, and runs over as Pox is hit with the butt of Tic's sword and then jumps onto Tic and starts punching him in the head. Blix breaks the fight up by smacking them repeatedly with his bow and yelling.

BLIX: (screaming with rage)

Aahhh! Aahhh! Aahh! AAHH!

He then takes the long strand of hair for himself and examines it curiously.


On horseback, the four goblins ride through the forest on their way to the Great Tree.


Blix comes through a small opening in the wall and enters the interior of the Great Tree, followed by Blunder, Pox, and Tic. They descend a steep embankment leading down to the rock-trap that juts over the deep chasm. The smaller tree affixed with the Great Horn lays beyond. The goblins mutter among themselves and curse as they struggle down the slope.


Frog spit!


Snail sperm!

BLIX: (impatient)

No time to gawk. Come on.

Blunder loses his footing and tumbles down ahead of the others in a humorous fashion. Finally they stand on the rock-trap over the pit. Blix grabs a vine and swings across the chasm, making it to the other side easily. Once on the other side, he tosses it back to Blunder.


Come on, Blunder.

BLUNDER: (whining)

Be better off home in bed!


Come on.

Pox gives his friend a push and Blunder swings haphazardly over. Blix manages to grab his belt and pulls him over the rest of the way, and the little goblin tumbles head over heels to safety. Blix tosses the vine back over to Pox, who swings over as Tic complains loudly.


Why all the rush? All this fuss about a hair!

The pig-faced goblin lands no less gracefully than Blunder did. Blix then tosses the vine back across to Tic, the last one left on the other side of the chasm. Tic doesn't catch the vine however.


Come on, Tic.


No! No!

Thus begins a rather lengthy bit where Blix keeps trying to persuade Tic to swing over, motioning with his hands. But still Tic refuses.


Come on! Come on, it's easy! Come on!




It's easy! Come on!


No! No!

Pox and Blunder pitch in, also cheering for their companion to swing over.


Come on, Tic. Come on.

Blix grins with evil insincerity.


Trust me.

BLUNDER: (cheering)

Come on, Tic!

Finally Tic grabs the vine and swings over, but Blix kicks him back with his foot.


No! Aahhh!


Ha, ha, ha, ha!

As Tic dangles helplessly over the chasm, Blix draws his sword and cuts the vine.

The doomed goblin plummets into the abyss. Pox and Blunder run over and stand beside Blix on the brink of the chasm, looking down into the darkness.



BLIX: (wild cry)

Fenodoree! Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Tic! Tic!

Blix turns to Blunder with his sword still drawn. Reflexively, the other goblin draws his own weapon.


Forget about Tic. Better we split three ways than four.

Without wasting any more time, Blix pushes past his companions and runs towards the tree to which the Ancient Horn is attached. Pox and Blunder follow, tossing down their weapons and gear.


Hurry! Quick! Give me a boost up!

Blunder lets Pox and Blix climb over him and onto a large boulder that sits under the horn's mouthpiece. Pox gets on his hands and knees atop the boulder and Blix steps up onto the other goblin's back, using him as a stepping stool. He puts his lips to the mouthpiece of the horn and blows into it.

For a moment nothing happens, and then he breaks wind.


Is that the only tune you know?

Blix growls down at him, then blows into the horn again. It works this time, with the deep sound echoing into the night as dusts and leaves fly from the horn. Blunder looks around fearfully as Pox, starting to feel the weight of Blix atop him, lowers down into a little huddle. Blix hops down.


We wait like all-time same. Why you worry? Think bad thoughts and relax.


The wind picks up inside the Great Tree, howling around Blix and blowing dust and leaves everywhere as the goblin gestures dramatically, reciting an incantation.


Moving silent like the breeze, soft as shadows, still as trees. Darkness be in all we sees. He live in silence, he live in fire, he live in all that's dark and dire. Look in the gloom, search out the tomb. That be where you find our sire.

Blix goes over to the chasm Tic fell into and falls to his knees alongside Pox and Blunder as the huge shape of the Lord of Darkness, in the form of a wafting black cloak, rises out of the hole.

Although Blix simply kneels, Pox and Blunder go the extra mile in terms of groveling and heap dirt and leaves onto themselves.


Hail, o' great one, divine and dark. Strong like lion, swift like shark.

Darkness regards Blix silently as the goblin gets to his feet, taking out the strand of silver hair they found earlier. He offers it up to the dark figure above him.

BLIX: (fawning)

Though unworthy of the task, great lord, I found this, for your amusement.

Before Darkness can reply however, Blunder growls and leaps to his feet, grabbing the hair from Blix. He looks quite agitated as he shakes his fist up at his master.


Don't listen! I found it! Me! Blunder the Bold!

Darkness motions at Blunder, and the goblin's left hand suddenly erupts in flame. Instantly it is transformed into a grotesque, deformed chicken claw.

Blunder howls in pain.

BLUNDER: (screams)

Aahhh! Aahhh! Thank you, your lordship! Thank you!


Quite stylish, actually.

Darkness now holds the shining silver hair.




In the woods, six leagues back, 'tween Twin Oaks and Dragon's Track.


Did my bold hunters chance to see the quarry which cast the spore?


I stalked it, sire, but much too slow. What beast it be I do not know.


This hair is from an angel of light. The purity of its heart is an abomination to me. Now it has returned to these woods. I must have this creature!

At this, the goblins become very excited.


We catch it! We catch it!


Oh, yes! Field and fen! The glories of the chase! How do we trap it, lord?


No trap of yours will work. There is only one lure for such disgusting goodness. One bait that never fails.


O' divine dark one, I beseech thee. What be this bait? Please, you teach me.



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This page was last updated on January 1st, 2005.
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