What books and articles have been published on LEGEND?
- The Cutting Room Floor : Movies Scenes Which Never Made It To The Screen, by Laurent Bouzereau, Citadel Press, 1994. Pages 79 and 80. ISBN 0-8065-1491-4.
- Virgin Film - Ridley Scott,
by James Clarke, Virgin Books LTD, 2002, Pages 83-97. ISBN
0-7535-0731-5. (The LEGEND FAQ website is listed under the Web
- Ridley Scott - The Pocket Essentials,
by Brian J Robb, Pocket Essentials, 2001. Pages 42-49. ISBN
1-903047-56-0. (The LEGEND FAQ is mentioned twice in the book, once in
the LEGEND section and again in the listing of websites)
- Ridley Scott Close Up - The Making of his Movies,
by Paul Sammon, Thunder's Mouth Press, 1999. Pages 74-85.
ISBN1-56025-203-0. (The LEGEND FAQ website is mentioned in the book and
the old web address is given.)
- The Films of Ridley Scott,
by Richard A. Schwartz, Praeger Publishers, 2001. Pages 51-58. (The
LEGEND FAQ is mentioned in the Bibliography section for the LEGEND
portion of the book.)
- AIP. and Co., Number 71, January/February 1986, P.16-17 "Set Pieces"
by Unknown
- American Cinematographer, Volume 67, August 1986, P.65-70 "Labyrinth
and Legend, Big Screen Fairy Tales" by Ron Magid
- American Film, Volume 11, Number 6, April 1986, P.68 "Trailers
- Legend" by Unknown
- Boxoffice, P.R-62 "Legend" Review by Tom Matthews
- Cahiers du cinema, Volume 376, October 1985, "Legend" Review
by U. Ostria
- Cinefantastique, Volume 15, Number 4, October 1985, P.9, 53 "Legend"
by Alan Jones
- Cinefantastique, Volume 15, Number 5, January 1986, P.22,24,27 "Legend"
by Alan Jones
- Cinefantastique, Volume 16, Number 3, 1986, P.42, 61 " The Score/Tangerine
Dream, in the shadow of a Legend" by Randall D. Larson
- Cinefantastique, Volume 17, Number 3/4, 1987, P.122 "Hjortsberg
on Legend" by Dan Scapperotti
- Cineforum, Volume 25, Number 250, December 1985, P.69 "Legend"
Review by E. Comuzio
- Cinemascore, Volume 15, Summer 1987, P.38-45, 147 "The Musics
for Legend" by Jonathan Benair and Randall D. Larson
- Cinemascore, Volume 15, Summer 1987, P.42-45 "From a Legend to
a Dream" by Paul Andrew Maclean
- Cinemascore, Volume 15, Summer 1987, P.147 "Legend" Review
of Goldsmith score by Paul Andrew MacLean
- Cinemascore, Volume 15, Summer 1987, P.147 "Legend" Review
of Tangerine Dream Score by G.M. Tucker
- Cine Telle Revue, Volume 65, August 22nd, 1985, P.20-23 "F. Dhont
and Joan Mac Trevor vous racontent le film de Ridley Scott Legend"
- City Limits, Number 206, September 13-19th, 1985, P.24 "Trailers"
by Unknown
- City Limits, Number 218, December 6-12th, 1985, P.23 "Legend"
Review by Nigel Matherson
- The Cue Sheet, Volume 10, Nos. 3 And 4 (1993-1994), Interview with
Jerry Goldsmith by Vincent Jacquet Francillon
- Films and Filming, P.6,8 "The Visualist" by Sheila Johnston
- Films and Filming, Number 375, December 1985, P.43 "Legend"
Review by Tim Pulleine
- Hollywood Reporter, September 3, 1985 "Brazil, Legend Stay on
the Shelf" by Bill Desowitz
- Hollywood Reporter, April 11, 1986 "Good vs. Evil Tpoic of Scott's
Legend" by Unknown
- Hollywood Reporter, April 25, 1985 "Goldsmith Outlines his Upcoming
Plans" by Jeffery Ressner
- La Revue du Cinema, Number 408, September 1985, P.28,29 "Legend"
Review by Max Tessier
- L'Ecran Fantastique, Number 58, July 1985, P.13-15 "Legend - Les
Premierres Images" by Unknown
- L'Ecran Fantastique, Number 59, August 1985, P.45-50 "Legend -
Entretien de Laurent Bouzereau avec Tom Cruise" by Unknown
- L'Ecran Fantastique, Number 60, September 1985, P.7 "Legend -
Au-dela du reel..." by Bertrand Borie
- L'Ecran Fantastique, Number 60, September 1985, P.20-22,75 " Ridley
Scott a propos de Legend" by Tchalai Unger
- L'Ecran Fantastique, Number 60, September 1985, P.23-25 "La Construction
de la Foret de Legend" by Unknown
- Levende billeder, Volume 1, November 27th, 1985, P.14-17 "Hurde
Heste Med Menneskeojne" by Inge Eriksen
- Los Angeles Times, November 3, 1985, "Outtakes: Tuning-up Legend"
by Pat H. Broeske
- Los Angeles Times, July 4, 1986, "Tangerine Dream Knows the Score"
by Steven L. Smith
- Millimeter, Volume 14, July, 1986, P.150-154,156 "Ridley Scott
and the Forces of Darkness" by Diane Rafferty
- Monthly Film Bulletin, Number 623, December 1985, P.380 "Legend"
Review by Kim Newman
- New Statesman, Volume 110, 1985, P.30-31 "Horses for Courses"
by John Coleman
- Positif, Number 295, September 1985, P.29-30 "L'image pour l'image
sur Legend" by Alain Garsault
- Photoplay, November 1985, P.16,17 "Behold a Legend" by Unknown
- Photoplay, December 1985, P.42 "Legend" Review by T. H.
- Positif, Number 295, September 1985, P.31-37 "Entretien avec Ridley
Scott" by Hubert Niogret
- Screen International, Number 504, July 6-13th, 1985, P.21 "Ridley
Scott changes direction with 'Legend', an original fairy story" by
Chris Brown
- Sequences, Number 125, July 1986, P.30-32 "Legend" Review
by Patrick Schupp
- Soundtrack!, Volume 5, March 1986, P.21 "Legend" Review of
Goldsmith Soundtrack by James Fitzpatrick
- Starburst, Volume 8, Number 1, September 1985, P. 16 "Legend"
Review by James Olsen
- Starburst, Volume 8, Number 3, November 1985, P.10-14 "Legend"
by Unknown
- Starburst, Volume 8, Number 3, November 1985, P.18,19,21,22 "Script
Drawing" by James Olsen
- Starburst, Volume 8, Number 6, February 1986, P.38,39 "It's only
a Movie" by Unknown
- Starlog, Number 101, December 1985, P.64-67 "Ridley Scott SF's
Visual Magician" by Adam Pirani (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 103, February 1986, P.48,49,52 "Terry Rawlings
Cutting Fantasy Films" by Anthony Timpone (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 103, February 1986, P.64-67 "Rob Bottin Crafting
Fantastic Faces" by Brian Lowry (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 105, April 1986, P.16-18,72 "Mia Sara : Innocence
with an Edge" by Patrick Daniel O'Neill (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 106, May 1986, P.23-25 "Tim Curry : Eight Foot
Tall, Bright Red Demon" by Willaim Rabkin (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 107, June 1986, P.28,29 "Ridley Scott : The Nightmare
of Fantasy Filmmaking" by Adam Pirani (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Starlog, Number 107, June 1986, P.30-33 "Tom Cruise : Fairy Tale
Hero" by Randy & Jean-Marc Lofficier (Internet Archive Magazine Scan Link)
- Stills, December 1985-January 1986, P.53-55 "Malice in Wonderland
- Legend and Dreamchild" by Unknown
- Stills, Number 24, February 1986, P.13 "The late, late show"
by Pat H. Broeske
- Telerama, Number 1859.31.6, September 6th 1985, P.11 "Les Avis
sont partages sur Legend" Review by Gilbert Salachas
- Televisual, May 1986, P.42,43 "A Bit of a Legend" by Rod
- Time Out, Number 789, October 3-9th 1985, P.43 "Off Screen"
by Walter Burns
- Time Out, Number 798, December 5-11th 1985, P.65 "Legend"
Review by Anne Billson
- Variety, Volume 320, August 21st, 1985, P.16 "Legend" Review
by Strat.
- Video Watchdog, 10th Anniversary Issue (#29) "Fairy Dust : Reconstructing
LEGEND", by Sean Murphy
- Village Voice, Volume 31, May 6th, 1986, P.61 "Film Trackies"
by J. Hoberman
This page was last updated on January 1st, 2005.
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