It is my great pleasure to welcome one and all to the Banzai Institute's website and to extend to you the honors and freedom of our house. Wander its rooms and passages in the generous good spirit of those who have trod these trails before you. Know that, as in life, there is much that many have looked upon but few have seen because, as my father told me and his father told him, you will come to learn a great deal if you study the insignificant in depth.
Please also accept our invitation to move with grace and leisure among these sundry offerings, recalling that those in a hurry show only that the thing they are about is too big for them. I ask simply that you go wherever your imagination takes you, never doubting that no matter where you go, there you are.
Faithfully yours,
AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. B. BANZAI AT HOME WITH DR. B. BANZAI Back to: BANZAI INSTITUTE MAIN MENU (C) 1998, 2002, 2003 MGM/Sherwood Prod, Harry Bailly Prod, & Earl Mac Rauch. All Rights Reserved.